Get a cheap yet stylish wardrobe
Good looking is any time easy when you have wardrobe full of clothes. Yeah, and in real life people barely have half a cupboard full of clothes. But here are few ways you can look good without spending much.
For starters you have to shop from a penny pinching store. Clothes set out in charity or half the price will be a great place to look for some nice clothes. Here you need patience and the will to hunt down for clothes. It is at such places that you will find everything, right from formals to informal. You need to know when such places thoroughly. You should make yourself familiar with the clothes in such stores.
A good pair of leather shoes go well with any outfit. Just try wearing a regular worn out jeans with a simple white t shirt and do not forget to pair it with leather shoes. Trust me on this, you will look way cooler and respectful man. Thanks to the leather shoes. But sadly, leather shoes are expensive. You think of buying a cheap one, it will show that it is cheap and not leather. So you could try something with re -crafting or restoring. Look for hard used but well made shoes.
Little things always matter the most. Make sure you take care of your shoes and clothes. Like, getting the shoe polished or maintaining the cuffs and get them hemmed on time to time or brushing the suit jacket after wearing. This no way will help you increase the materials in your wardrobe, but will definitely help you in maintaining a neat and long lasting wardrobe.
You need a good tailor. For instance, when you need to alter some clothes, sticking to one tailor is any time good. That one tailor will be knowing everything that you need. Also it is probably high time that you learn to sew your own button. A minor error is your outfit will make you hate that outfit forever. So if you see a hanging button, sew it and wear that outfit whenever you want.