Do you know when to tuck you shirt in?

Men usually have limited sources when it comes to clothing. Its just the regular jean, t shirts, shirt, trousers and little here and there. But when it comes to living in real life, means are limited. Getting tons of professional clothes and tons of casuals is not possible for a common man. But when it comes to formals, what goes wrong with men? I mean even while having a regular talk with someone, they tend to tuck their shirt in. Boy, do they do that during the presentation also? While some men are really bad when it comes to tucking in shirt. So here are a few tricks that will help you get the proper tucked in shirt.

There are some shirts which have a flat bottom hem. So such shirts should be tucked in. But in case the shirt has a visible tail, which means that the hem varies in length, such shirts should always be tucked in. The reason is that the hem is not even in length and will look bad if it is let loose. This gives you an immature look. This is something a school boy would do. Also the classic way to stay stylishly untidy is by wearing a shirt untucked under a suit. But for a mature look, always go for tucked in shirts, at least a shirt with tails.

Also when you have an undershirt, make sure that they are tucked in. Or else they will really look bad. And when it comes to polo shirt, it is not mandatory to tuck them in. Since they have even hem line, you can wear them with tucking them. But to get that classic and more dressier look you could tuck it in, just like the golfers. But if the polo shirt is having a long sleeves, for your own sake do not tuck them in.

Shirts having a turtle neck collar are often tucked in since they are worn under a jacket. The reason for that is simple, flash your belt buckle. But if worn without a jacket, make sure you do not tuck it. It won’t look good. The classic Hawaiian shirts, boy, people love them. Yes people love them and you make sure that when you wear it, it is not tucked it. Not matter it’s hem line, Hawaiian shirts are never tucked it. You do that, Hawaiian shirt lovers will kill you. And now the very basic, T shirts. T shirts have their own style. Every person wears them differently and according to his own style statement. Some go for tucked it with a belt, while some prefer it letting loose. While there will be some who will wear it under a shirt. But the basic rule of T shirts is avoid to the fullest of wearing them tucked it.

The main aim of tucking in your shirt is that you should look smart and presentable. When you tuck your shirt in, you should look like that you have been working out for a while and hence the flat stomach.